Monday, November 19, 2012

Leaving tomorrow!!

We have been uncertain over the last few days as to whether our trip would be cancelled, due to all the military action going on between Israel & Gaza since Thursday. Last Friday, we received a message that said the trip was still on & that our guide, Perry Stone, and the president of the tour company were leaving Saturday. The message said they would let us know about the conditions.

Well, we kept receiving phone calls from family members and comments from others saying that Israel was no place for tourists right now. The TV news is showing us how the "war" is ramping up.

Just a few minutes ago, we got a video message from Perry Stone on the bus in Israel. He was excited & showed us that everything is fine for our travel there. He said the airport is full of tourists in buses  and we should be all set to meet in Tiberias Wednesday.

So, we are off!!! We completely feel that God will give us supernatural protection, and we will have a most enlightening trip.

I hope that we will be able to post our experiences daily, but that may not be possible. Our hotels do not have computer access, but we are taking our Kindle Fire in case we have wi-fi. Enjoy your good weather while we are gone. Have a great Thanksgiving. Remember to thank God for all of your blessings. Everything good thing comes from Him--no doubt.

Love to you all.

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